Signs You May Have A Cavity
In many cases, people will visit a dentist and learn they have a cavity while they are there. These individuals never knew they had cavities, yet they did. The good news about this is that dentists can spot cavities right away when they initially form. Fixing a cavity like this is easier than repairing a bigger cavity. There are times, though, when people can tell they have cavities before they visit a dental clinic, and here are some of the signs that can indicate that you have one in your mouth.
You Feel Pain in a Tooth
Pain is something your body tells you about to warn you of a problem. If you feel pain in a tooth, it may be your body's way of telling you that there is an issue with a tooth that you should address. Some tooth pain is minor in severity level, but other tooth pain is extreme. If you have excruciating tooth pain, you may have more than a cavity in a tooth. You may have an abscess in your mouth, which is an infection. You should not hesitate to call a dentist if this is the situation.
You Feel Sensitivity to Hot and Cold Things
Sensitivity with a tooth is not the same thing as pain, yet it can be painful when it happens. If you are now experiencing sensitivity to hot and cold things in one area of your mouth, it likely means that you have a cavity. Other issues can also cause sensitivity issues, but this feeling is often present when a cavity gets large enough.
You Feel Sensitivity to Sweets
Not only does sensitivity to hot and cold things indicate a cavity, but sensitivity to sweet things is also a sign of a cavity. If you eat a piece of candy, for example, and feel a sharp twinge of pain in one area of your mouth, it can mean that you have a cavity. It is not always easy to know which tooth the pain is coming from, but you can know you have a problem if the pain comes from one area of your mouth.
You Can See the Decay
The other thing to look for is visible signs of decay. Decay may be black in color, or it can look yellow or brown. Look for signs of cavities if you think you have one, as you may see the cavity in your tooth. Then, call a dentist to schedule a visit.