5 Things to Bring to the Dentist Office at Your Appointment

You have a dental appointment at your local dentist office, and you want to make sure the appointment goes well. The best way to ensure that you have a great dental appointment is this: make sure you have the right things with you so your appointment is both comfortable and successful. Here are five things to bring to the dentist office at your upcoming appointment. Something relaxing There is usually a wait when you're at the dentist office while the patients before you finish up, so it's wise to take something to read or some other relaxing — and quiet — activity. [Read More]

If You'Ve Lost A Tooth, You'Re At A Higher Risk Of Losing More

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience, but once it's extracted or has fallen out, you're not out of the woodwork yet. Unfortunately, losing just one tooth can put you at a higher risk of losing more teeth. If you didn't know that and don't know what you can do to help protect your teeth, then read this simple guide to find out. How Oral Health Worsens Oral health typically gets worse after a person has lost a tooth. [Read More]

What To Expect When Getting a Tooth Removed

Are you getting ready to have a tooth removed? You may need to do this for several reasons. No matter why your dentist wants you to remove the tooth, it will usually involve surgery. If you are feeling anxious about the whole process, this is not uncommon. The thought of being in pain is hard enough, but when it involves your mouth, it is understandable that you will be apprehensive. Getting more information about what will happen before, during, and after surgery will help you to feel more positive about the experience. [Read More]

That Aching Tooth: Does It Need Dental Care?

Do you have an aching tooth that may need dental care? If your tooth pain persists no matter what you do, your dentist is a professional you can count on to help you feel better. However, not all oral pain requires professional dental care. You can always make an appointment with your dentist for an exam if you're unsure of your dental health and use this guide as well to help you determine just what your dental needs are. [Read More]