Important Questions To Ask Your Child's Orthodontist

If you have recently learned that your child will need braces in the near future, then you may have quite a few questions, especially if this is your first experience with orthodontics. The good news is that that your orthodontist can answer a good deal of these questions for you. Keep reading to learn about some of the things you should think about asking the professional. How Long Will The Orthodontic Treatment Take? [Read More]

Don't Let Dental Fears Stop You From Getting Professional Care For Your Teeth

Did you know that approximately 61% of this country's population struggles with dental fear and anxiety? While that number seems high, it is essential to know that most people with dental worries still visit the dentist regularly. WebMD reports that between 9% to 20% of people avoid visiting the dentist because of their fears. If you have dental phobia, do you skip visits because of the way you feel? If so, here is some information to help you understand more about the causes of dental fear, the reasons to face your concerns, and what dentists can do to help you get through your anxiety. [Read More]

What Nicotine Is Doing To Your Oral Health

You know that nicotine is bad for your lungs, but you may not realize just how detrimental it can be to your oral health. Whether you prefer to smoke, vape, or chew your tobacco, there are adverse side effects involved with any of these methods.  Oral Cancer One of the scariest things that can happen to people who use nicotine is oral cancer. Oral cancer can exhibit itself as sores on the tongue, cheeks, roof of the mouth, or even in the throat. [Read More]

What You Need to Know About Sedation Dentistry Preparation

How should you prepare for sedation dentistry? If this is your first experience with this anxiety-reducing in-office option, take a look at the questions to ask before your appointment. Can Patients Drive After Dental Sedation? The sedation used during your dental procedure will cause grogginess and possibly some confusion. This makes driving yourself home a serious safety risk. The dental practice's staff will provide post-visit instructions, including when you can drive again. [Read More]