Three Times Your Teen Will Be Grateful They Have Invisible Braces

Invisible braces, also known as invisible aligners, have become very popular in recent times for good reasons. They're practically invisible and hard to make out even when you're looking for them, which makes them extremely preferable over standard braces for many people. If you're considering getting braces for your teen, here are three ways they'll likely be grateful if you make them invisible braces, not standard braces. Photo Day Photo day may fill a teenager with dread or excitement, depending upon their personality. [Read More]

Four Common Questions About Tooth Extractions

People usually aren't thrilled about needing a tooth extraction, but it's a valuable procedure that can protect your teeth and gums from dangerous infections and other complications. If you need a tooth extraction but don't know much about them, then here are four common questions about the procedure, answered. 1. Are Tooth Extractions Painful? One of the biggest fears people seem to have about dental extractions is that they'll be painful. [Read More]

The Importance Of Dental Hygiene During Home Isolation

In 2020, one of the biggest impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic is the sudden inability to attend to our normal day-to-day tasks. Residents are asked to stay at home except for outings to purchase essential supplies and it is quite easy to fall into a no-care routine of minimal hygiene, staying in pajamas and letting television fill in hours of the day. However, despite the current state of the world outside, it is vitally important you keep your dental hygiene up to date and here are three reasons why. [Read More]

Oral Care For Your Toddler

If you have a toddler, then you may find that oral care is a struggle with your little one. Some children simply do not like to brush their teeth. However, oral care is extremely important and it is best to get your child on board with a good oral care routine at an early age. This may mean that you simply need to purchase the types of products that work best with your little one. [Read More]