How to Care for a New Dental Filling

Going to the dentist for a dental filling is somewhat standard in dentistry. People of all ages develop decay on their teeth and might need fillings for these teeth. If you are preparing for a dental visit to get a filling, your dentist will probably give you some instructions for caring for the filling. Here are several tips you can follow after getting a cavity to help you care for it. [Read More]

4 Important Benefits Your Child Might Receive From Wearing Braces

If your child has teeth that are out of alignment, you may be debating on braces. The decision may not be easy if the alignment doesn't look too bad to you, especially since braces can be expensive. However, you don't want to base your decision on just the appearance of your child's teeth. Braces could improve your child's life in other ways and be well worth the investment. Here are four benefits of braces. [Read More]

How A Cosmetic Dentist Can Restore Badly Stained Teeth With Veneers

Cosmetic dentists can treat stained teeth in two main ways: teeth whitening or veneers. But whitening isn't always effective when teeth are badly stained. Sometimes, the stains are intrinsic, which makes it difficult for the whitening agent to remove them. Fortunately, veneers are an effective and long-lasting alternative to whitening for badly stained teeth. There are two main types of veneer, composite veneers, and porcelain veneers. If you aren't sure what might be best for your case, it's helpful to learn the differences between the two types. [Read More]

Taking Your Toddler To The Dentist: Handy Ideas For Parents

Most people do not love going to the dentist. As an adult, you can make yourself suck it up and sit through the appointment pleasantly. But toddlers don't have this level of patience. If they are feeling scared, unsure, or nervous about seeing the dentist, they won't typically be on their best behavior during the appointment, which can make it hard for the dentist to do their job. How do you make a dental appointment more pleasant for your toddler and for their dentist? [Read More]